The biggest issue in the outcome of the negotiations was that while
both parties spoke the same language and could therefore be
expected to understand each other, the outcomes were worlds
apart since the two linguistically-related cultures shared
diametrically opposed versions of the same “truth”.
-Sir Winston Churchill

Why Leif Fogelberg?

Leif Fogelberg can look back on more than 25 years of know how, mainly in Germany with a base in Frankfurt, but also in Switzerland with bases in Zug and Zürich. The main services marketed have typically been related to the IT sector but also include pure management consulting as well.

Within Mr. Fogelberg’s network, you will find a solid foundation in German legal systems, experience in tax-related matters (in particular when contemplating the use of Switzerland as a business base), and a highly developed “gut feel” for what will or will not be accepted in German corporate structures. Note that in spite of significant changes in the Swiss-German bilateral tax code, Switzerland remains a very attractive geographical domicile, especially for companies of moderate size. The use of the English language for contracts and protocols in Switzerland is officially accepted
by all kind of audits, which is not the case in Germany.

A coach is not a “normal” Consultant

Leif Fogelberg is not a “normal” consultant. What he is offerring is a short and
intensive “coaching”. That means that 25 years of active managerial experience in the German-speaking market is at your disposal. This intensive approach provides the basis for discussions about how your company can profit by entering Europe’s largest, most stable market. The intense “front-loaded” consulting approach is designed to allow companies to engage specialists or sector teams for special areas once market entry has been achieved.

Letting us help you structure your process is worth the effort

Intensive market-entry coaching is specifically designed to plan and structure early stage and pre-sales set-up at low cost before any significant level of local knowledge has been built up. While many companies often seek to “buy” or outsource this function via a local agent, existing “Geschaeftsführer”,
or accountancy firm, be aware that “form follows function” in the German market and companies are advised to know the issues in advance before making binding legal and potentially costly personnel decisions.

Let us help you structure your process for success over the long term while avoiding common pitfalls
that are usually avoidable with thorough prior preparation. It’s worth the effort!